Magical Blessing Power

Magical Blessing Power
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EUR 80,00

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Product no.: e_121
Magical Blessing Power

Founder: Lavinia Sina Szendrei

From the manual:


... the Power of magical blessing.

The Magic gives you the power and strength to make magical blessings in your life. The power of magical blessing is one of the most powerful powers. Bless all that you want to consecrate to the Divine and thus with the power of Light. All that is blessed with the power of Light, is pure, sublime, full of light, successful, dignified, victorious, unshakable, untouchable, honorable and "immortal".

This attunement will bless magically you and your life, raise you and put you in God's hands ... trust in HISblessings, because without HIS blessings you can get lost in dark paths ...

Each individually, magically, blessed by GOD and the Powers of Light. This an bring multiple and very different life changes.

Be sure that GOD only wants the BEST for you.


  • 1 attunement
  • 1 manual
  • 1 certificate

This is a fixed priced system set by the founder.

This Product was added to our catalogue on Sunday 14 September, 2014.

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